Daily Archives: February 15, 2018

Vroom Vroom


So, with all things considered, we’ve been under the the curse of cars (and a million other things).  I just want to take a minute to appreciate how nice it is to have two cars again.  To know that we don’t have to suffer through one car and four thousand miles added on in a month.  Because reasons.

So, we’re now a two car family again.  Both Fords.  But CJ hands down has the nicest car either one of us has ever owned.

Last year, our cars were Beryl and Oberon.  Both villains in their own ways.  (If you’re unsure, school yourself in both Sailor Moon and Shakespeare)  Maybe that was the problem.  Maybe we only need good car names from now on.

So now we have Jayne and Winchester.  Good, Solid, kickass names in their own rights.  The Hero of Canton and a name with multiple meanings that we thought were appropriate.  Muscle-y, strong, dude names.

I like being a two-Ford family.