Author Archives: Mandi M. Lynch, author

About Mandi M. Lynch, author

I am an author, editor, photographer, etc, in Nashville, TN, and owner of Ink Monkey Mag, a small press that produces a lit mag and several anthologies.



I remember in bits and pieces. Yet another diabetic ulcer. The smell of gangrene (🤮). His call from the doc’s office. A 200 ft ambulance ride from doc to ER.
Letting it sink on. Then resolve, determination. Dignity to something so undignified.
Sitting in the hospital room the Tuesday before while a doc I respected and trusted was so flustered he couldn’t complete a sentence – that was the moment I was scared – the pre surgery surgery and into the surgery.
We were so calm a nurse pulled me aside to ask if he understood what was happening. “Ma’am, he knows he’s not a starfish and it won’t grow back. Will you feel better if we panic because I don’t feel like that helps anything…” “No, I appreciate that you aren’t, but it’s so uncommon that I had to check.” Lose a leg or lose your life. There wasn’t much to think about there. It was the kind of speedbump you approached quickly and then went over at a snails pace, worried about your undercarriage.

Rehab (those guys were amazing), trying to get back to life, whatever was left of it when you shove your body into something and hobble around.
I was in bed, reading about our situation when I found a statistic that made me say “oh fuck” outloud before I could stop myself. I tried not to tell him.
He demanded. I told him it was nothing. Then a different tactic. That he didn’t want to know. But he did.
Here’s the thing about amputation. You come out of it in relatively the sake health you entered it with. World class atheletes stay athletic. Overweight, middle aged, stubborn… Well, they stay that way. With his reason for amputation he had a 20% chance of making it 5 years. We were a year in already at that point.
He turned to me, made me look at him, with a serious tone that I had never heard before or since, told me with absolute resolve and certainty:
I am going to make it. I am going to be the 20%.

After all, look at everything he had already endured. The brown recluse bite that compartmentalized to the astonishment of his doctors. The blood clots that had him so near death we found out later he had had less than a 5% chance. But he endured.

We had braced ourselves, but it was a speed bump.

And he was so fucking sure. So serious.


Serious as the heart attack that ultimately… Well, you know.

Here we are.

Today is 5 years, and I have missed him for most of that.

Fall Flash Sale



Since Facebook has, in its infinite stupid, decided I’m no longer allowed to post my Scentsy link (because God forbid I post a link to a business that I run on my own personal page) I’ve had to resort to redirecting through WordPress. Forgive me for having to do it this way but it’s the only way that works.

Scentsy is having a flash sale that starts today October 21st at 11 a.m. eastern time and runs until Wednesday. Product will absolutely sell out and it will do so quickly. So don’t leave things in your cart hoping the price will go down, don’t add a few things and hope they’ll release something later, if you see it and you want it you should buy it quickly.

If you have any questions about products don’t hesitate to contact me although the best way may be to text me.

Fall Scentsy Party Here

Fiction Friday




Fiction Friday!  These are fun little prompts designed to get us out of our comfort zones and enjoy something a little different.  😀

Today’s fiction friday prompt is dedicated to my favorite letter – Q!  So pick your favorite Q word, grab Quinn, and start writing.  What quirky thing will you come up with?


As always, I want to see your work.  Feel free to share an excerpt or a link to your work in the comments!

Fiction Friday


Due to a quirk of the calendar, Easter is April Fool’s day this year.  (Almost as interesting as when Thanksgiving kicked of Hanukkah a few years ago…)

So write about a holiday.  Whichever one you’d like.  No matter how expected or obscure.

I’d love to see what you come up with.  Feel free to post an excerpt or a link to your work in the comments.

Fiction Friday


Fiction Friday prompts are fun little things to get us writing outside of our normal comfort zone.


Bob is… just Bob.  He’s boring.  He clocks in on time every day, eats a packed lunch at his desk, and leaves two minutes after it’s time to go home.  He wears the same non-descript black pants and white shirt, doesn’t seem to have friends, oh, and he’s harboring a secret.

Go to wikipedia, pick the language of your choice, and then on the left menu, click RANDOM ARTICLE.  Whatever wiki randomizes for you is Bob’s secret.  Is it a person?  A a place?  Bob’s secret hobby?  Tell us all about it!

I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Feel free to post an excerpt or a link to your work in the comments!

Fiction Friday


Fiction Friday posts are prompts that are meant to be fun and get people a little bit out of their comfort zone.  For week 2 of the re-re-boot, I thought I’d get a little silly.  


Last week’s prompt actually came off this list, but for this week, we’re going to explore the whole thing.  I’ve linked you to 34 of the craziest words in English.  Pick one or two and go from there.  Maybe somebody’s bumfizzle is a taradiddle.  Maybe your Gubbins has taken you widdershins all this time and there’s a tale to tell because of it.  There are lots of great words to choose from (and some fabulous – oh, that’s what that’s called! moments.)

34 of the Craziest Words…


Anyway, there’s the link.  I’d love to see what you come up with, either in comments or as a link to your own blog. 

Bridal Shows, oh my!


From about ten seconds before you get engaged on, you get bombarded with vendors that can smell your fear and know you are overwhelmed and need ALL THE THINGS for your upcoming nuptuals.

It’s a little scary going in.  I was engaged a long time ago, and in the meantime, the wedding industry has totally changed.  The first time, there was a whole lot of “This right here is what you do.” Hard stop.  But in the last ten years, it’s like everyone has forgotten etiquette, and everything has become a free for all.

Some of it isn’t necessarily bad, but nobody has any idea why we do anything, so who cares, right?  Garters are gross because 30+ yr old frat boys pull them off with their teeth, which is exactly what the bride’s father wants to see right?  (cue eye roll) But very few people know that the garter and bouquet tosses have a long tradition – it used to be considered good luck to get a piece of the bride.  In an attempt to save the bride from a dangerous fate, couples started tossing the bouquet and the garter to make getting a piece of the bride a little more civilized.

And as a result, we’re losing a lot of the meaning behind a wedding.

Take the cake for instance.  The shape came from a french tradition of bringing pastries.  They’d pile them up and see if the couple could kiss over the pile.  Since every guest brought one, the hope was that you had so many people coming to encourage your union that you couldn’t kiss over the pile.  Smashing the cake is just obnoxious.  I mean, it’s supposed to symbolize providing for each other, so if you’re jamming it up their nose, how good of a caregiver do you think you’re going to be?

I’ll reign in the tangent for now, but still.  With everything in a state of free-for-all, there are a lot more options out there for weddings.  Also in the past ten years there’s been an explosion in wedding cost.

I know that’s a slight tangent, but not entirely.  Which brings us back to bridal shows.

So I went to my first bridal show in January.  It was $5 admission, but brides registered in advance online and I found out when I got there that it was free for me.  Also, they gave me a goodie bag. The second bridal show was a week ago, and they were giving things away to the first 100 brides.   So RULE #1 – SAY YOU’RE THE BRIDE, even if you aren’t.  It’s cheaper and you get free stuff.

The first few vendors were the expected kind – a cake guy, honeymoon planners, etc.  There were a few weird ones like botox.  There were some fun ones like photo booths that gave you samples of what they could do.  And the food people gave you samples, which is RULE #2 – COME HUNGRY because good grief, you will eat, and RULE #3 – TRY EVERYTHING even if you don’t think you’ll like it (unless you’re allergic or religiously barred from eating it of course).  At the first show, we had about 20 different things to sample.  But in nice quantities, like sliders and mini cupcakes.  By the time we were done, we’d eaten wedding cakes four times, a sandwich, fruit, half a dozen side dishes including the world’s best cheesy potatoes and  a really unique barbecue white macaroni and cheese, and drank several beverages.  The second show had four different caterers and Jeni’s Ice Cream (OMG) and dessert places.  And I say try everything because there are a lot of things I don’t like – like tea and barbecue – and the fruit tea and mac and cheese were fabulous.  And those cheesy potatoes weren’t even on my radar until I ate them.  Also, I have a great local restaurant on my places to eat list just because I got to try them for free at the show.

Also, RULE #4 – SIGN UP FOR ALL THE THINGS.  I know it sounds weird, but the freebies are worth it.  Nothing Bundt Cakes were one of the vendors, for instance, and their eclub gives you a free mini bundt on your birthday, so take advantage. I’ve been offered free dance lessons, been given several reusable shopping bags, kitchen items, back massagers, etc.  RULE 4A – TAKE ALL THE THINGS.  Because seriously.  Especially if you’re at a show you paid money to get into.  Get that money back.  The fliers are also helpful for you to get a realistic idea of the insanity that is the wedding industry.  The venue we were at for the first show had a special with the location and their in house caterer – $23k.  I’ll wait while you stop laughing.  I’m not going to get in line for that one, But it’s good to know some of this stuff.  Knowing the videographer I talked to was 1k tells me that I won’t be fitting one into my budget.  Knowing that the bundt place charges $65 for two tiers talked me out of a traditional wedding cake and into a dessert table, something I’d been considering anyway.

Not only that, but one of the places I want to go dress shopping was set up at the second bridal show I went to, and they gave me a thing for $100 off my dress.  I was already planning to look there, so they’ve potentially saved me money, and it took a few seconds out of my day.

RULE 5 – NOT ALL SHOWS ARE CREATED EQUAL.  The first show I went to was really nice.  It was arranged so that everything was sectioned off, and it had a really nice vendors that were great to talk to.  The second show was crap.  The aisles were too narrow, and several vendors blatantly ignored us while we stood in front of their tables.  Oh, and I asked six questions, and all six got me “I don’t know” or “well it depends” type questions.  No, it doesn’t depend.  If you have a venue, you know how much the room costs.  So when somebody says “How much is your venue…”  there’s absolutely no reason you can’t say “Well, it starts at x, but it depends on what you get or don’t get, of course…”  because at least that’s some sort of answer, you know?  Like the venue I’m looking at right now.  I know how much the building starts at and I know that the price changes if I do or don’t use their caterer or use multiple sites or whatever.  It’s pretty simple.

Anyway, by the next blog post, I will have been at show #3.  (Actually, by the time this one posts I will have…  I don’t know if I’ll have time to update this, though…) It’s being held at a huge hotel/convention center, so I’m hoping for good food and good information from them, even though I know I can’t afford them.  (Their permit for photography costs more than my photography budget)  But I also hope after this one that I will have some good ideas nailed down for what I’m doing for mine, you know?





Fiction Fridays…


I keep getting this started and not following through long term, but I wanted to bring back Fiction Friday, because I really love it.  

So our first prompt…  



Abibliophobia is the fear of running out of something to read. 

So let’s explore that.  Have a character run out of reading material.  What are they doing about it?  How are they acting?  What are they feeling?  Show us their fear!


And those of you who are doing the prompt, I’d love to see what you write.  Feel free to add an excerpt in the comments or post it on your blog and share the link! 



My last post is funny because I’ve done a whole lot of nothing since I posted it.  Okay, that’s not entirely true, but I have done a whole lot less than I should have.

My word count for February ended up being about 8500, which isn’t bad, but it is way behind what I wanted.  Still, words are words, and at least that’s something.  Unfortunately, neither of the stories that I was planning to finish got finished, which also means I’m not starting EdMo when I wanted to.

Life keeps getting in the way, though. Like yesterday.  I got off work early (YAY!) and took myself straight to McD for a Quarter Pounder W/Cheese, which they made wrong, but I ate anyway, and a diet dr pepper.  I got through the first thing on my to do list and just as I finished, my phone rang and it was CJ.    Turns out that the wiper on his car broke and his wiper went flying off the car and who knows where.  Not sure if it got hit by a rock or what, but it broke at the connection point, so it was very much gone.  I had to pack up early and go to walmart, which was fortunately across the street, but I had to then drive it to him a town over.

Now, when I say wiper.  I want to put this in context – we’ve not had two dry days in a row since the begining of February, so not having a wiper wasn’t an option.  And I wasn’t about to go get him and then go back in the morning to fix things then.

Anway, shoutout to the instructions for leaving important details out, but that took us way longer than it should have, and by the time the new wiper was on the car, we were both wet.  I tried to put my shoes on this morning and they’re still wet, so I had to find another pair.


Not how I wanted the rest of the evening to go and I didn’t get my french fries (I was going to get them after CJ got to McD), but some things take priority.  Tonight is writer’s group and hopefully I can get there before 8 and actually get some work done.  If I could finish these projects I’d be so happy.